What is Yet to Be Already is, Campus Art Dubai. Curated by Munira Al Sayegh, 2018.

The project explores the absence of a sense of time and space in the city of Dubai by examining the idea of  the unfinished. This question of the unfinished denies the common statement “the blank canvas” describing  Dubai by bringing out the infinite looping and meandering experienced in the city’s infrastructure and landscape. The seemingly sterile, efficient, and mechanical highways, flyovers, and spectacle architectures under construction are excavated in this series to reveal the moments of tactility, inefficiency, and the experiential facets of that space.   

The sculptural aspect of this collection marks the tactile ground, picking up dust, tar, and shreds of paint.  These markings are then juxtaposed with the formal elements that are reminiscent of the experience of  driving through what seems to be an efficient infrastructure at first glance but is more akin to intertwining  loops that are difficult to navigate, resulting in an inefficient and slow machine. Some of these paths have only ever been touched by a bulldozer and its operator, and others are never empty of vehicles, constantly being tracked and marked in an infinite looping movement.  

The dirt road itself can be seen as both an old dusty road as well as a path in progress with future potential.

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